Well, Erin went for a run. She spent most of the time running.
You can see the bunnies better now that the grass is green. That brown lump next to the tree is a bunny.
It ran off...and Erin followed. Faster than we expected, and in the road, so Matt took off after her.
I was wearing Patrick. He really enjoyed facing forward.
Then tonight I took some pictures while giving baths. I was trying to get Patrick to smile, but he didn't want to at first.
But I eventually got him to.
And then Erin got jealous and wanted me to take a pic of her.
So stinkin cute =)
Patrick looks more like you than Erin does :)
So cute! Erin wanting her picture taken too reminds me of Braden. He only lets me take pictures of him if I was already taking pictures of Noah.
Sweet happy domestic tranquility!
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