5 years ago, on Dec. 31, 2004, Matt asked me if I would marry him. And I said yes.
He asked me yesterday if I would be his wife for 5 more years. It was so cute.
Nyssa did a Best of 2009 on her blog, so I thought I'd steal the idea.
~Moving to Highlands Ranch
~Patrick being born
~Naming a star for Cora on her birthday
~Zac getting his mission call and going on his mission
~Having family come out to bless Patrick, and seeing my baby brother stand in the circle before he left.
~Road tripping out to Michigan and beating Beatles Rock Band in 24 hours. lol
~Dressing up for Matt's company Halloween party (though I wish I hadn't misplaced HIS costume, which I found when I got the Christmas stuff out....)
~Thanksgiving with Aubrey, David and their girls
~Nyssa getting her mission call.
~Spending Christmas with my family, and seeing my high school friends for dinner. It was SO GREAT to see everyone!!
~edited to add: I feel so brainless, I forgot to add getting a nephew, 3 foster nieces, a niece/nephew to be (in August) and a sister-in-law-to-be too!
5 months ago
You have had such an amazing 2009. I'm wishing continued happiness and peace for all of you for 2010.
2009 was a pretty eventful year wasn't it. I was able to go on 2 vacations and it was so fun . This coming year looks like it's going to have some pretty exciting times too.
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